Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good Ready To Drink Drinks What Are Some Good Sports Drinks For A Cross Country Runner??

What are some good sports drinks for a cross country runner?? - good ready to drink drinks

I always drank Gatorade, but I mean not as good as it shuld Cuz its high sugar content. What are the best solutions for long-distance runners like me. I generally run 2.9 to 3 Meilen Meilen practice for the race. What are the good sports drinks, powdered or ready to drink?


D.Torren... said...

Gatorade is good because it replaces the electrolytes lost when you sweat. Unfortunately, most sports drinks contain sugar.

I drank a 50/50 mixture of water and Gatorade, especially for long runs. This allows your body to restore and makes it easier for Gatorade, which are absorbed by the system. Normal Gatorade, as you say, is very viscous and takes longer to be digested.

Personally, drink shorter races such as 4 a.m. to 5 p.m. miles, only water and eat a banana or something, when you're done.

pauline f said...


acesocce... said...


spud said...


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